Monthly Coaching

Video chats per month up to 30 minutes. Evaluation of your food diary/food logs and suggested changes: Be prepared to send screen shots or text. Coaches will not log in to your diary accounts or sign up for apps they do not use. Custom macros: All evaluations are only good as the information you give. Please be prepared to give details such as height, weight, age, and activity levels, as well as any additional information that may be pertinent to your situation. Email coaching: There is a 24 hour response time to all email correspondence. If you have not received a response in 24 hours, please check your spam folder first. If your coach's email did not inadvertently go to spam, please contact us using the Contact Form. Please add your coach's email address to your address book to help avoid spam filters. Membership in the Ketogenic Lifestyle Coaching Clients group: a private Facebook group exclusively for ongoing and graduated coaching clients. In the future, the group may migrate to a private discussion server.

Benefits of this subscription plan

Elevate your career

Whether you want to boost your career within the company you are working or grow at your own business by applying the latest strategies, this is the way. 

Expert instructors

Our instructors do a great job of communicating and making it a more intimate arrangement. They are supportive and responsible in returning emails.

Satisfaction guaranteed

Studying with us will help you learn how to create, capture and deliver value in a digital world. You'll leave with smart strategies to optimize your performance and satisfaction.

Material you'll love

Video interactions, note-taking, interactive ebooks, self-assessment, certificates, SCORM and much more.

Set and achieve goals

Receive certificates by attending challenging courses. Our students' success is our best asset in showing the quality of our training.

Flexible payment options

Lots of payment options! Payment gateways usually charge fees, so check out the pricing of the payment gateway of your choice.

Monthly Coaching

Video chats per month up to 30 minutes. Evaluation of your food diary/food logs and suggested changes: Be prepared to send screen shots or text. Coaches will not log in to your diary accounts or sign up for apps they do not use. Custom macros: All evaluations are only good as the information you give. Please be prepared to give details such as height, weight, age, and activity levels, as well as any additional information that may be pertinent to your situation. Email coaching: There is a 24 hour response time to all email correspondence. If you have not received a response in 24 hours, please check your spam folder first. If your coach's email did not inadvertently go to spam, please contact us using the Contact Form. Please add your coach's email address to your address book to help avoid spam filters. Membership in the Ketogenic Lifestyle Coaching Clients group: a private Facebook group exclusively for ongoing and graduated coaching clients. In the future, the group may migrate to a private discussion server.