Pamela offers coaching in the following areas:

  • Mindset Techniques
  • Exercise Addiction
  • Thermogenic Nutrition
  • Blood Sugar Balance
  • Weight Loss
  • Metabolic Healing
  • Teacher Burnout

Pamela Sullivan

CHP (Christian Health Practitioner), K-8 Educator
From a young age, Pamela struggled with body image issues. At just 12, she began experimenting with various diets, convinced she was "fat" despite being only slightly overweight. This mindset dominated her teenage years. At 19, she became a certified aerobics instructor and personal trainer, believing this would solve her weight concerns. However, while teaching classes and inspiring others, Pamela developed an exercise addiction, working out 4-6 hours daily through running, weight training, aerobics, and calisthenics. Although she lost weight, the cost was high—chronic injuries and an unhealthy relationship with food.

Pamela became adept at helping others achieve their fitness goals but faced constant bodily injuries herself. Torn meniscus, ACL tears, joint swelling, back pain, and sprained ankles became her norm. To cope, she turned to sugary foods, triggering energy highs and lows, depression, and anger. Despite the physical and emotional toll, she pushed through, trapped in a cycle of self-abuse that lasted for decades.

In addition to her fitness career, Pamela pursued a career as an elementary teacher, a role she has held for 28 years. However, her obsession with exercise often overshadowed her teaching responsibilities. She struggled to balance her rigorous workout regimen with her job, leading to poor eating habits and constant stress.

Witnessing her colleagues' declining health as they neglected their well-being, Pamela eventually realized she was on the same path. The COVID-19 pandemic intensified these issues, but it also gave her the time to reflect and recognize the need for change. Pamela enrolled in the School of Christian Health and Nutrition, where she learned to live a life of balance, healing, and nourishment.
Now a Christian Health Practitioner (CHP), Pamela is dedicated to helping others break free from exercise addiction and develop a healthy relationship with food. She has a passion for supporting educators who seek to regain their health and find balance in their lives. Having overcome her struggles, Pamela now eats in moderation and is committed to teaching others how to lead healthy, sustainable lives.

If you're ready to make a lasting change and embark on a journey toward a healthier, more fulfilling life, consider scheduling a consultation with Pamela. Take the first step toward a new direction and discover a world of balance, freedom, and vitality.
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Pamela's Available Coaching Programs

Accountability and partnership to inspire and empower you on every step of your journey.

We're here to keep you on track and stand by your side through ups and downs. Ensuring you stay committed to your goals and pushing you when needed, even if it means being a bit tough at times. As your guide on this journey we give you the support and partnership you need to overcome obstacles and achieve success.
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It's time to rewrite your health story and reclaim your vitality.

Together, we celebrate victories, overcome challenges, and inspire each other to reach new heights. We believe in the power of one-on-one connection to inspire, empower, and guide you to a sustainable lifestyle for lasting change. But here's the best part: you're not alone. You're part of a vibrant community—a tribe of strong, courageous women committed to rewriting their stories and embracing limitless possibilities.

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Are you ready to embark on a life-changing journey? It's time to unlock your potential, embrace your power, and rewrite your health story. Your transformation starts here, with Hack Your Health Coaching. Join us today and start living your best life now!